174 players have been signed up for this competition as of 3:07 PM Wednesday 18th December
Christopher Alden (Shirehampton Park Golf Club) |
David Allardyce (Farrington Park) |
James William Allen (Sherborne) |
Barry Alloway (Tall Pines Golf Club) |
Paul Angell (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Mark Bailey (Bleadon Hill Golf Club) |
Angela Baker (Long Sutton Golf Club) |
Dave Baker (Long Sutton Golf Club) |
Tony Baker (23.4) |
James Banwell (30.0) |
Martin Barnes (9.5) |
Johnny Bennett (Merlin) |
Lawrence Berryman (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
chris betenson (Mendip Golf Club) |
Clive Bicknell (Newquay) |
Mark Blackman (China Fleet) |
Nigel Blackmore (Sherborne) |
Jill Bocquet (16.9) |
Steve Bocquet (19.4) |
Michael Bowdery (The Defence Academy) |
Stephanie Bristow (Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club) |
Dave Broadbent (Cotswold Hills) |
Ian Burgess (China Fleet) |
Ian Burr (11.1) |
Anita Butcher (Mendip Golf Club) |
Philip Butcher (Mendip Golf Club) |
Chris Butler (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Tim Carpenter (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Steve carter (Tall Pines Golf Club) |
white christopher (Mendip Golf Club) |
Adrian Cleevely (Cotswold Hills) |
Jack Clift (15.0) |
Stephen Charles Close (Sherborne) |
David Cock (Long Sutton Golf Club) |
Steve Coles (Orchardleigh Golf Club) |
Steve Collings (Long Sutton Golf Club) |
Dave Connolly (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Steve Copland (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Paul Cox (16.0) |
Rob Crew (Mendip Golf Club) |
Tim Crew (Mendip Golf Club) |
Jon Critchley (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Adrian Cronin (Farrington Park) |
Mark Cross (Isle of Wedmore Golf Club) |
Michael Cundill (22.1) |
David Cunningham (15.8) |
Nigel Curtis (Cumberwell Park Golf Club) |
Martin Dalton (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Darren Darby-Jones (Mendip Golf Club) |
Kevan Davis (Long Sutton Golf Club) |
Cam Donnelly (Merlin) |
Andrew Dunne (Hockley) |
Nigel Dunstan (Newquay) |
Darrell Dymond (Lilley Brook) |
Ian Eades (Sherborne) |
Chris Eitzen (Sherborne) |
David Eley (Bleadon Hill Golf Club) |
Alan Evans (Brean) |
John Fear (Sherborne) |
Clive Gadd (19.9) |
Danny Gear (Ross-on-Wye) |
Denis Gilbert (The Defence Academy) |
Paul Goddard (Orchardleigh Golf Club) |
Peter Goring (Lilley Brook) |
peter grafton (Mendip Golf Club) |
Paul Griffiths (Mendip Golf Club) |
Aidan Guy (17.7) |
Steven Guy (21.3) |
Graham Hall (12.2) |
Alan Handford (Cotswold Hills) |
Simon Harris (17.6) |
Dave Harvey (Orchardleigh Golf Club) |
Martin Hawling (Cotswold Hills) |
Jack Hayes (Mendip Golf Club) |
Alex Hicks (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
John Hockey (15.6) |
Nicholas Holtom (Cotswold Hills) |
Clifford Hopkins (16.8) |
Simon Jackson (8.7) |
Rosie Jago (Teignmouth Golf Club) |
Sue Jago (Warren Golf Club (Devon)) |
Stephen D. Jones (Mold) |
Kevin Keene (Voucher) (Mendip Golf Club) |
Barry Keys (21.3) |
Pete King (Tickenham Golf Club) |
Daniel Lake (Wheathill Golf Club) |
Peter Lake (Wheathill Golf Club) |
Mercy lamb (China Fleet) |
Steven Lamb (China Fleet) |
Peter Lawrey (Lanhydrock Hotel &) |
Bob Lench (19.0) |
Cath Levell (17.9) |
Dean Lewer (Mendip Golf Club) |
Alfie Lovell (17.4) |
Freddie Lovell (4.9) |
Barry Lumley (Merlin) |
Gill Magrath (33.5) |
Mike Magrath (13.2) |
Colin Mantle (17.2) |
Lloyd Manvill (12.4) |
Lee Marshman (19.3) |
Paul Martin (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
Georgina Mason (Yelverton Golf Club) |
Alison McDOUGALL (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Marcus McEvoy (Ross-on-Wye) |
Jim McKenzie (Merlin) |
Michael Metcalfe (7.8) |
Simon Mills (Ross-on-Wye) |
Lee Molland (25.3) |
Con Mulcahy (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Edward Mulcahy (Stockwood Vale Golf Club) |
Mark Neighbour (10.3) |
Peter Neilens (Ross-on-Wye) |
Adrian Nicol (Hockley) |
Ian Nicol (12.4) |
Martin Noons (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Neil Olver (China Fleet) |
Dave Osgood (The Point At Polzeath) |
Ian Palmer (Cotswold Hills) |
Ian Palmer (Cotswold Hills) |
A J Panter (Merlin) |
Wayne Parsons (Knowle Golf Club) |
Colin Payne (15.6) |
Stephen Payne (12.1) |
Charles Pearce (Cotswold Hills) |
Lloyd Peck (Wheathill Golf Club) |
NIGEL PEDGION (Mendip Golf Club) |
Mr Martin Pegler (Cotswold Hills) |
Andrew Penney (Orchardleigh Golf Club) |
Terry Pettifer (Sherborne) |
Charlie Phelps (12.3) |
Darren Phelps (Mendip Golf Club) |
Annie Pryer (The Bristol Golf Club) |
Adam Pullen (Orchardleigh Golf Club) |
Diane Ramsay (32.7) |
Peter Ramsay (23.7) |
Mark Rashley (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Kevin Redman (Sherborne) |
Mike Sandy (Sherborne) |
Andrew Saunders () |
Geoffrey Saunders (Trethorne Golf Club) |
Aimee sawyer (Mendip Golf Club) |
Ian Sharp (Knowle Golf Club) |
Phillip Slater (16.9) |
Gary SMITH (Tickenham Golf Club) |
David Snart (Saltford Golf Club) |
Lee Sparkes (Mendip Golf Club) |
Geoff Spinks (23.0) |
Philip Spring (14.3) |
Paul Stephens (Isle of Wedmore Golf Club) |
David Taylor (Sherborne) |
Niall Taylor (14.0) |
Sam Thatcher (Mendip Golf Club) |
S Tonkin (Merlin) |
Gerald Tonkins (12.5) |
Alan Vickery (Taunton & Pickeridge Golf Club) |
Michael Vincent (11.0) |
Peter Walker (20.3) |
Keith Walter (24.5) |
David Waterston (Cotswold Hills) |
Alonza Weekes (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Stephen West (Wellingborough Golf Club) |
Tony West (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Samuel Western (Mendip Golf Club) |
Terry Western (24.6) |
Nicholas White (Mendip Golf Club) |
Ian Whittaker (Lilley Brook) |
Baden Wilkinson (Mendip Golf Club) |
Mark Williams (Burnham & Berrow Golf Club) |
Terry Williams (Isle of Wedmore Golf Club) |
Raymond Wilton (Lilley Brook) |
Mark Wintersgill (Mendip Golf Club) |
Chris Young (Mendip Golf Club) |
Michelle Young (Mendip Golf Club) |